Galaxy on fire alliances guide
Galaxy on fire alliances guide

galaxy on fire alliances guide

Declare yourself chef, and check on that heavyset woman you saw earlier - (Nothing)Ĥ. Lead the expedition to seek help - (Nothing)Ģ. You are one of the survivors of a plane crash in the mountains. Continual requests for a larger salary - (Nothing) You're a major league pitcher, famous for your:Ĥ. Walk through the desert for a week - Heat Intolerant

galaxy on fire alliances guide

Admit that you were ever turned on by a comic book character - Normalģ. Sit in an airplane circling in a holding pattern for two hours - ClaustrophobicĢ. Revealing fashions are a good thing - Normalġ. Your kids are driving you crazy - Normalģ. And that's more than you can say for yourself in other seasons - ForgetfulĢ. line of Washington Redskins - (Nothing)Ĩ. Tough you don't really endorse violence, you would pay $1k to see the fight of:ġ. That Mario Andretti takes his license from him - (Nothing)

galaxy on fire alliances guide

That all your swears could be loudly transmitted to him - Normalĥ. That your car is equipped with a ramming device - AggressiveĤ. That you open up a driving school to teach people the RIGHT way - Teachingģ. That you push "R" for rocket launcher - (Nothing)Ģ. You are behind a slow guy on a highway with no way to pass. Do nothing in fear of retaliation - Nervous Get suspicious of your spouse - PessimistĤ. Feel you're too old for this - (Nothing)Ģ. You live next door to a frat / sorority house with frequent parties. Do nothing and arrive confident - Optimist Show your skills with two blades - Ambidexterousģ. You're applying for a position at a butcher shop. A pair of night vision goggles - Night Ops You can take 1 item from a looting-in-progress of an Army surplus store. Hung, shot, gutted and run over - (Nothing) A cartoon character with two guns - LonerĤ. A silhouette of a naked woman / A bumper stick that reads "Keep honking, I'm reloading" - Assholeĥ. Semiautomatic rifles for those really aggressive deer - Auto. Follow and ambush him in the dark - Stealthy

galaxy on fire alliances guide

Go crazy and shoot the lock off - Arrogantģ. A Punk teenager ahead of you in line sucks at darts. When you were you're young, you most wanted to be:ĥ.

Galaxy on fire alliances guide